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Grant Recipient: Sharon Ruffin

Being thankful

My name is Sharon Ruffin and I have been a part of the Hawthorne Cancer Foundation since I went to a support class in Dec. It was then that the breast cancer returned from 2003 and I had to repeat chemo treatment. The first time I had my children home and my husband was alive. This time my children were grown with their own families and my husband of 31 years has passed on. I felt alone and I needed to talk with someone who has or is going through what I am going through. So I went to the support group and met the people and Robin.

I felt alone and I needed to talk with someone who has or is going through what I am going through.Sharon Ruffin

They were so understanding and patience with me and the questions that I had. This time with being a one income household and me not being able to work, my financial went down quickly. While my children helped as much as they could, they also had their families and the bills piled up and the letters and phone calls started coming in. I mentioned to Robin about where I can get some help and she gave me some resources through and I looked into some of them. I didn’t push Hawthorne since the website said that they weren’t doing anything until next year so it was such a surprise when I was given the letter and the check. I was now able to pay my long over due bills and prepare for the winter.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will be forever grateful to the Hawthorne Cancer Foundation and Robin and the breast cancer support group

Each month, The Hawthorne Foundation awards a financial grant to a cancer patient in need. Every patient has a story and we would like to share those stories with our readers.

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